Monday, September 21, 2009


1995 We bought our new Maruti 800. Mr.rajendran arranged car lone [ half amount] from canara bank.
This gentleman really an angle for me,a rare corrector.
its been a long time since then.though I had a car i did not learn driving properly,I never drove the car till date!
though have try ed 2/3 times also obtained a license that's all,people have every right to laugh at me.
That is what i am,spend my life just like that,vision less . a ship without a radder.
did not bother to utilize god's gifts.
Tapu used the car a lot during Guni's schooling days,it was really useful as long we were in madras.
even in bangalore also it was on the road.
After coming Titupur things changed , hardly we used the is lying like junk with out maintainance.
of late i was thinking to dispose it off but restricted to utter having known Tapu's attachment and affection
to this car.
ultimately rather surprisingly when i raised the topic last week she did not object ,on the contrary she was looking
for reasonable buyers [I was told she got consent from Mr.Sekhar raju whom she trust like god].
Told Guni also,her condition is very pathatic.
I am sure she has some sort of gilt feeling in her mind,which is unnecessary.
I can read her mind,by seeing i can guess she is bleeding from in side,poor child,fighting with odds for no fault of
hers .
I strongly belive she will grow up with time,time will taught her what is life and how to walk in stroms.
We are going through under sevear storms,trying save our existance .
I had a talk with tapu who is in bangalore for look out a buyer with the help of Mr.raju,she is expected to
return by tomorrow and again will be leaving by next sundsy ,hopefuly during that period sale will be desided.

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